Leys Team

About Us

Leys Consultants Ltd

Senior Residential childcare Practitioner (Permanent) 

Providing support to children, staff and assist in running the home.  Full training provided.  Interested? send CV to admin@leysconsultants.co.uk or Call 07518943606

Reliable, Flexible & Compliant

Mission: To provide affordable reliable and sustainable, care and support workers and support consultancy services meant to enhance and improve services and service delivery for our clients.

Vision: To offer sustainable, reliable and innovative care and support workers and support consultancy services through continuing Training and learning, shared experiences and practical advice to firm managers and executives to understand developments both externally and within the care and support services sectors to better serve clients.

Values: Give the best to our clients 

Current vacancies

Leys team works in partnership with a number of other professionals like Psychiatric Doctors and Nurses, children’s home Managers, Solicitors, Social workers and Psychologists, who are passionate and talented individuals. These professionals have worked with children, young people and vulnerable adults for many years across a broad spectrum of services. Some of the professionals have worked within the prison service. Our silent partners have excelled in many services starting at entry level often progressing to management.  Some of the partners have received awards for their excellence at work, dedication and commitment. One has written comprehensive independent living programs for services as well as developing current programs to evidence outcomes for young people and guidance for improved key work sessions. Some of the partners benefit from experience working within a therapeutic community and have training within Dialectical Behaviour Therapy


                         24 hr line 07518943606

Healthcare, Support & International Recruitment

We are dedicated to your expectations.

Our Team


Our team is reliable, flexible and compliant for the awareness that they recruit staff that are to work with vulnerable clients. We are therefore very careful to select candidates who are friendly but professional for their personality as well as qualifications. Wherever possible we recruit staff with in-depth knowledge and experience within the health and social care sector. We nurture a stable workforce that enables us to offer continuity to our staff and clients alike.

Would you like a worry free future?

Wouldn't we all? Finally, you can have the future you want without the worry of what tomorrow is going to hold for you. Leys Consultants is dedicated to helping you achieve all of your future hopes and dreams with ease and comfort.